Acupuncture is an old Chinese treatment that has been proven to be very effective and beneficial for many conditions including migraines, acute or chronic pain and can also assist with infertility issues. In recent years it has also been used to reduce fine lines, increase elasticity in the face and seen as a natural alternative to Botox.
During the treatment an overall picture of the body’s health will be taken into account by taking the pulses and looking at the tongue. Very fine needles will then be inserted into the body and face, concentrating on the acupuncture points and muscles. Clients who have received facial acupuncture have reported improvement in the skins elasticity, the appearance of fine lines, with a more refreshed and revitalized look.
As the treatment works on the whole body then further benefits can be experienced including, improved sleep, and a overall improvement in wellbeing.
A course of treatments are usually recommended to really reap the benefits with sessions recommended at least twice a month for the first couple of moths followed up with monthly sessions to maintain.
“The treatment itself is actually relaxing. It helps to plump up my cheeks, deep lines were less obvious. Tones and brightens my skin.”
Prices start from 65 euros
For a free consultation or to find out more information please contract CostaSpine, this special will be running from the 12th of February to the 16th of February. Don’t delay and get your booking secured now on
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