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The Art of Chiropractic

Chiropractic emphasizes on the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the neuromuscular-skeletal system. Chiropractic is the fundamental principle which all treatments are based however, we at Chiropractic Clinic have extensive expertise in sport related injuries, disorders and the treatment thereof.

At CostaSpine chiropractic clinic, we take the necessary time with each patient and scrutinize all aspects of their healthcare from past medical, family history, in-depth case history and an extensive physical examination. Our Professionals at Chiropractic Clinic will perform a spinal or extra-spinal adjustment, this is a process where your practitioner adjusts a particular segment of your spine or alternatively a joint of your appendicular skeleton. In order to achieve/ restore maximal movement of that joint.

If pain is suspected to be derived systemically we have a good networking system amongst other healthcare professionals which we refer our patients to.

Our Chiropractor works closely with the Massage Therapist and Rehabilitative specialists in and around the Costa Del Sol, that CostaSpine is associated with. Your well-being and physical progress is of our top priority and we ensure that you receive the best possible medical attention you require for your specific needs and/or conditions.

Treatments Offered

Spinal and extra-spinal adjustments

This is a process where your Chiropractor adjusts a particular segment of your spine or alternatively a joint of your appendicular skeleton. In order to achieve/ restore maximal movement of that joint.


Dry needling

Therapeutic procedure whereby the Chiropractor chooses the applicable sized needle to place in the effected, inflamed muscle. This method of dry needling is used to rupture small blood vessels in and around the muscle to stimulate blood flow, this combined with neurological effects to decrease muscle spasm. The increase in blood flow to the muscle optimizes regeneration.


Soft tissue therapy

A process that requires the doctor to apply deep pressure onto the effected, inflamed muscle. This is used to stimulate the area along with increasing blood flow allowing adequate oxygen and nutrients back to the inflamed muscle.


Strapping (Rigid, Elastic and Kinesio-strapping)

This is used by our Chiropractors to support and rehabilitate unstable joints and injured musculature. There are different techniques along with different strapping materials we use for the various diagnoses.


Electric Modalities (Ultrasound, IFC and TENS)

Our Chiropractors use these methods for muscular rehabilitation and treatment on muscular strains, which decreases swelling of ligament, tendon and muscular injury. This stimulates the numerous mechanoreceptors at effected site and has a positive feedback on pain control gate theory.


Spinal Stability Programmes (Core) and Rotator Cuff strengthening programmes

These programs consist of specialized exercises to ensure and promote hyper-tonicity of the musculature in the targeted areas.

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